Our knowledgeable staff can help you find the solution that best fits your needs. We offer a wide range of IV therapies administered by our expert care team.

Myer's Cocktail $199

The Myer's Cocktail is named for the late John Myers,M.D., a Maryland physician who used intravenous injections of nutrients to treat many health conditions. Conditions that have responded positively to the Myer's cocktail treatment include sinus and respiratory tract infections, asthma, migraines, chronic fatigues syndrome, fibromyalgia, muscle spasms, and depression. The Myer’s Cocktail contains electrolytes, Zinc, B-Complex (Vitamins B1/2/3/5/6), B12,Magnesium, Vitamin C, and Glutathione.

Immunity Booster $179

Stay healthy and prevent illness. Replenish important immune enhancing vitamins and minerals. The Immunity Booster contains electrolytes, Zinc, B-Complex (Vitamins B1/2/3/5/6), Magnesium, and Glutathione. Glutathione, three amino acids, is the Master Antioxidant that can help decrease viral loads and inflammation in the body. Zinc and Vitamin C help increase the production of disease fighting blood cells. 

Energy + Performance $165

This blend is perfect for athletes, runners, and fitness enthusiasts. Get a huge boost of energy and fluid to help your body perform at the level you need it to. The Energy + Performance blend contains electrolytes, Zinc, B-Complex (Vitamins B1/2/3/5/6), Magnesium, and Tri-Amino blend.

Hangover Cure $149

Did you party a little too hard last night? Recover quicker with our Hangover Cure blend. This IV drip rehydrates your body and replaces essential vitamins and minerals that have been depleted from alcohol consumption. It helps relieve symptoms by giving your body minerals like magnesium that reduce inflammation. The Hangover Cure contains electrolytes, Zinc, B-Complex (Vitamins B1/2/3/5/6), and Magnesium. 

Vitamin C Drip $160

Vitamin C, or ascorbic acid, is a water-soluble vitamin. This means that it dissolves in water and is delivered to the body’s tissues but is not well stored, so it must be taken daily through food or supplements. Vitamin C plays a role in controlling infections and healing wounds, and is a powerful antioxidant that can neutralize harmful free radicals. It is needed to make collagen, a fibrous protein in connective tissue that is weaved throughout various systems in the body: nervous, immune, bone, cartilage, blood, and others. The vitamin helps make several hormones and chemical messengers used in the brain and nerves. The Vitamin C drip contains electrolytes and high dose Vitamin C.

Vitamin C + Glutathione Drip $179

Vitamin C promotes skin health by stimulating collagen production, which minimizes the appearance of fine lines and wrinkles to give your skin a firmer and smoother look overall. Collagen also keeps your hair growing strong and healthy. Glutathione, a powerful antioxidant, is key for flushing out toxins, sustaining wellness and maintaining a youthful glow. Glutathione levels naturally decline with age, which is why supplementing your body’s glutathione with a beauty drip can give your skin the extra support it needs to look its best. Vitamin C + Gluta drip contains electrolytes, high dose vitamin c and glutathione.



Lactated Ringers

Zinc Sulfate

Magnesium Chloride

Vitamin B Complex

Vitamin C


Vitamin B12



Lactated Ringers

Zinc Sulfate

Magnesium Chloride

Vitamin B12

Vitamin B Complex

L Carnitine

Amino Blend



Lactated Ringers

Vitamin B Complex

Zinc Sulfate

Magnesium Chloride



Vitamin C

Vitamin B12



Lactated Ringers

Zinc Sulfate

Magnesium Chloride

Vitamin B Complex

Vitamin C



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